In Loving Memory of Roland G. Droitsch
1941 to 2024

On January 26, 2024, Roland Gustav Frederich Johann Droitsch, affectionately known as "Rugga" by those who loved him, passed away peacefully in Salt Lake City, Utah. Read his obituary here

A memorial service (in person and broadcast by Zoom) will be held Thursday March 7 at 1:30 PM MT (3:30 PM ET) at:

Legacy Sugarhouse Village
1212 E. Wilmington Ave.,
Salt Lake City, Utah
Fairmont Room, 5th Floor

Attend Memorial in Person: If you are interested in attending the memorial in person, RSVP by email to

Attend Memorial by Zoom: We welcome people to join this memorial service by Zoom. Click for the Zoom Registration Form. Note that you can also use this link to join the memorial after it has started.

If you have trouble joining on the day of the event, please send an email to and we will try to assist you.